Customized LED Arc Medallion Necklace Full Color Medallions Logos Designs

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Free Shipping For Orders Over $99 to Continental USA.

  • Fields with the * are required. If the field is not relevant to your request, type in the letter X to satisfy the text requirement.
  • We reproduce logo or image exactly as it is uploaded. If quality is a concern we will contact you before printing.
  • Proofs will be emailed for orders of 30 or more.
  • Turn time is 2-3 business days after customer approves proof.
  • 12 piece minimum, no single unit sales. Order any quantity 12+ pieces.
  • LOGO: Click on Choose File button. Write "logo" in text and font box.
  • No Artwork: Type your text in the text box, then choose one of 14 font options
  • For best results, order custom items on a laptop or desktop.
  • We print full color. Include additional instructions in comments box.
  • Your original artwork will determine the final print quality.
  • We will contact you if artwork is insufficient to achieve a good outcome.
  • Proofs will be sent within 24 business hours via email. Low quality artwork may result in delays
  • Customized area is ~2.125" in diameter.
  • File requirements: Send hi-resolution .jpg or .png files with a minimum width of 500 px.
  • Please note, the largest maximum printed size is 2.5" round. Your logo will scale based on the height.
  • Art requirements: Extreme Glow does not offer in-house art services. We only accept completed artwork designs.
  • We print full color on either clear or white print quality labels. Custom die cut.
  • Full color logos or designs sent to Extreme Glow will be returned.

  • We can do a combination of text and logo if you like (such as adding a date, phone number, etc). If this is your goal, follow the instructions above but include your text and font in steps 1 and 2 instead of skipping them. If you would like to include special instructions on size or placement please use the "additional instructions" box for that information.

    Personalized Luminous Arc Medallion LED Necklace Your Name or Logo

    Availability: Custom Item
    Usually ships In 2-3 Business Days
    Item #: CUSTOMARC
    There are no reviews yet. | Write a review
    Text on Medallion *
    Max: 50 character(s)
    Font Choice: *
    Max: 12 character(s)
    Logo Upload (optional) (Max file size is 5MB)
    Instructions/Comments (optional)
    Max: 500 character(s)
    Date of Your Event (optional)
    Max: 400 character(s)



     Price Each 

    Enter the quantity in the box corresponding to the item options that you wish to purchase.
     Red Green Blue LEDs & Custom DesignRed White Blue LEDs & Custom DesignYellow Green Purple LEDs & Custom DesignRed LEDs & Custom DesignGold LEDs & Custom DesignGreen LEDs & Custom DesignPink LEDs & Custom DesignWhite LEDs & Custom Design

    Price: $2.49
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    Personalized Luminous Arc Medallion LED Necklace Your Name or Logo From $2.49 + S&H